The Cheater.
This isn’t rocket science, and I can bet my most prized possession right now *sniff* my Kleenex box for my mucusy nose *sniff*, that you guys know damn well what I am talking about. The words “cheaters” ”infidelity” and ”mistress” are almost complement to the word relationship. That is, a relationship can stand on its’ own, bravo, but if you need a little spice in your life, you wanna hurt somebody, hell you wanna get hurt; those are the perfect ingredients fuel the flame of passionate anger. And most likely burn down everything you and your partner build on to maintain each other’s trust. This is not a laughing matter, regardless my sarcastic description of a person betraying the essence of their relationship. Oh no, don’t get me wrong... I don’t condone this lifestyle at all because for one; let me warn you, it’s your own funeral. And two, a lot of times in life, what you put into it comes right back to you. Karma. I learned the hard way from my past experience. I am not necessarily proud, but I believe that there is a lesson for every situation in life. Good or bad? There is always one, and if you look deep enough and you’re not afraid to handle your own demon; you will find sacred answers that will provide you guidance for the rest of your life. Where am I going with this? Well the same story can be told in different ways. And at the base of the dramatic episode of “cheating” there’s always 3 people involved’; the couple(cheater and victim) and the other(1+ people). Luckily, as I have mentioned before life is a learning experience, I was handpicked to play the wonderful role of “the other.”
The Other.
For biological reasons clearly my part has been restricted to the title of “the other woman,” and as much as I didn’t want to play that role; my destiny lead no other options for me to chose from. Oh so wait there is a choice of being the other you ask? Fxck YESSSSS! The other falls into three different categories; they can be oblivious, semi-oblivious-stubborn and or can have a serious problem of selfishness. Oblivious, is the other who walked into all of this and happened to step on a land mind and watch the truth blow up in their face. i.e the married man with 4 kids that you are now engaged to. The semi-oblivious-stubborn, is the other that saw the red flags, and with a few ricks up their sleave, because they were very persistent of getting their way; ran through the battlefield of the couples relationshit.... Relationship, sorry! And eventually gets bombed away by reality. i.e. Think of the Rocsi (106 & Park) drama with Lisa Raye and her husband... Feel me? Now the gritty, the war lord of them all is the selfish other, that person doesn’t give a damn who they are shooting up and is completely ignorant to their own pain and the suffering of others.
Monroe: Like Marylin, my life has lead me in a touchy situation.. I consider myself the oblivious other, in my opinion the worst role of all because I hate surprises. And that moment of truth, when that land mind that blew up on me, that was not a pretty sight to see. I’m still in the state of shock running on 3 hours of sleep because anybody that knows me and knows me very well, being “the other woman” IS NOT MY ROLE TO PLAY. Honestly, the cheating drama isn’t my cup of tea. But if the situation arises that I am in that predicament, and I have to play the part destiny unfortunately assigned to me; I rather be the cheater or even the damn victim than play the other woman. Why, I am a Scorpio so I sting and don’t get stinged. If I want something I go after it and I want it all for me, especially a fella I am dealing with. I don’t play seconds, I don’t come second and God knew what he was doing when I was born the first child for my mother. Right now, I am in a state of what “the fuck just happened” kind of vibe.
Before I continue, we will have a brief intermission because I need a breather...